Saturday, August 17, 2013


Cycle 2 - Day 6

Friday night was probably one of the worst nights for Roberto.  He had difficulty sleeping, so we gave him an ambien.  About an hour later, he came downstairs and declared that the sleeping medication wasn't working because he kept thinking his pillows were part of some (video game?) mission.  I think that was sleeping but I'm sure that's not the type of sleep any one really wants to have.  Also, one of Roberto's anti-nausea medicines may be giving him restless-leg syndrome and general restlessness because his leg would twitch a bit at night as if he was dreaming about playing soccer and then he got out of bed and wanted to walk around the living room.  Soon, Roberto will be off the medication so hopefully he (and I) will get a full night's rest. 

We went back to the Infusion Center this Saturday afternoon to return the medicine bag he has to carry around for the duration of the chemo week.  Also, because he's been vomiting so much, he got a liter or two of saline for hydration.  It's standard practice to take stats of his vitals and we found out that he lost about 10 pounds this week.  That's not terribly shocking news since he hasn't been eating but still disconcerting. 

Roberto is already showing signs of recovering from the chemo drugs.  There was some dry-heaving action happening today, but that was in the morning.  Later in the day, he ate a whole peach, a cookie, and two tiny bowls of broth!  I'm more cautious about the soup since most of the time he will throw it up, so I gave him just broth.  Since he was not given the chemo drugs today, he was awake for a good portion of the day. 

Unfortunately, Roberto is still plagued with restlessness from Friday night and couldn't stay still for the nap he wanted to take.  He found a cure in the form of Halo.  Yay for Halo!  So we definitively know now that Halo also cures restless leg syndrome.  Basically, Halo is the cure for everything.  As I type this, Roberto is sleeping now, however, I can hear the sounds of kicking coming from Roberto.  I might move to the couch tonight.  Oh my, he's rolling about the bed and flinging pillows around.  Um, when you see Roberto, just pretend that I never wrote this on the blog (i.e. don't mention this).  I think he's making a pillow fort!  ...

Anyway, we got a wonderful surprise on our front door in the evening!

Aunt Patti and Uncle Doug sent us beautiful flowers already potted!  Roberto wanted to start a flower garden and all we have is a dahlia plant that refuses to bloom again (and a bunch of sad pepper plants, but those are my fault).  Roberto was soooooooooooo (yes, I need that many o's) happy when he saw the plants, he immediately watered them and tended to our other plants. 

This concludes the chemo drug infusion portion of cycle 2.  I'm going to be throwing so much food in front of Roberto's face this week.  I talked to Roberto about what he wanted his first meal to be and he enthusiastically said, "Burgers!"  My jambalaya never had a chance. 

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