Monday, August 12, 2013

Chemo - Cycle 2 - Day 1 - Return of the Fanny

Today was a good start to the week of chemotherapy drugs.  For the next five days (Monday through Friday), Roberto will receive his long list of chemotherapy and supportive drugs at the Infusion Center.  This also means the return of his fanny pack (which transformed into a stylish hand bag of sorts) that will administer a drug continuously through Saturday.

Roberto's reaction to the drugs is a little faster this time around than the last time. He has a sensitivity to smells such as the medicine that the fanny pack contains.  It could also be him anticipating the unpleasant smell.  He had me and Adam smell the inside of the fanny pack but all we smelled was a plastic odor.  He's also sleeping frequently throughout the day, but he did squeeze in some Halo time with Adam in the afternoon after getting home.  It's known that playing video games, especially Halo, not only improves hand-eye coordination but also kills cancer cells.

As for me, I spent the morning hanging out with Martha.  The idea was to give me a chance to relax after the crazy weekend of people visiting and some time not having to worry about Roberto since Adam was taking care of him at the Infusion Center.  While I felt a small pang of guilt for not going to the Infusion Center, it was nice to have a change of scenery so that my day didn't consist of home, the Infusion Center, and/or American River College.  I also got a chance to vent to and gossip with Martha.  There's nothing like girl talk over a couple cups of coffee.

Martha and I got a chance to visit Roberto and Adam at the Infusion Center.  Roberto asked the person distributing hospital lunches for TWO pieces of cake!  On the scale of 1 being cardboard and 10 being divine, Roberto ranked the cake as a 2 or 3.  He still ate every bit of both plates.  He also started cracking a lot of jokes.  Some at my expense.  :P  I guess I can forgive him. 

So, yay for a boring day at the Infusion Center!  Time to get ready to conquer tomorrow.

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