Saturday, August 31, 2013

Firin' Up The Barbie

We took advantage of the Davis heat and celebrated Labor Day weekend today with some barbequing!  I think this was some unspoken compromise between him and me: cook burgers at home rather than going out to Burgers and Brew or In and Out.  Bah, I promise I'll take him to In and Out at the end of the chemo week!!  I just can't keep eating at those places again and again like he can.

Roberto flexed his fire-making skills and cooked the burgers.  I somehow botched caramelizing an onion but made a come back with a second onion.  Our roommate, Aubrey, sat back and enjoyed the fruits of our labor.  :D

Roberto also spent part of the day conquering random Starcraft players and climbed the ranks in his division.  He now obsessively checks the ranking boards.  I think this is a good thing?

I'm a bit worried about Roberto as we head into the third cycle.  He has a runny nose and hasn't fully regained all his weight. However, he is full of energy these days and has a more regular sleep cycle now (rather than just a few hours at night).  The oncologist is putting him on another anti-nausea medicine during the chemo week which may be better than the other medications that keep him awake. 

Adam is flying in tomorrow (Sunday) and then we'll have the ol' Chemo Gang back together.  Oh jeez, that's a terrible name.  But seriously, it'll be nice to have him back. 

Cycle 2 - Day 20

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