Monday, October 28, 2013

The Waiting Game

It's a bit frustrating to wait for the surgeon's office to call, but there's not too much we can do about it right now.  I've used some of the time to prep for pre and post surgery (I would help with the surgery if I could, but I doubt there's much use for a mathematician in the operating room).  Knowing Roberto, I will have to find ways to restrain his enthusiasm for physical activities and overcome his willingness to endure pain.

One new hurdle is that Roberto seems to have a cold.  He has an itchy throat and makes disgusting sounds when "snoring."  The symptoms started manifesting on Saturday so he must have caught it before then.  I'm easily the one at fault since I come in contact with so many different people.  Maybe I can blame it on our trips to the UCD campus?  Undergraduates are notorious for spreading germs, right?

My sister had a birthday recently.  Fun fact: our birthdays are exactly 6 months apart - we are 18 months apart in age, if you're trying to follow along with the math.  Anyway, that means it was my half-birthday (I had to bring the focus back around to me)!  My uncle gave me the newest Batman video game in celebration.  I might not have time to play it to completion any time soon, but Roberto, being the eternal Batman fan, dove right into the game once I brought it home.

We didn't get a chance to do any fun Halloween activities this weekend because of the birthday get together with the family.  Maybe we'll do something for the day of All Hallow's Eve?  There must be something fun we can do with Roberto's bald head.  Also, I've been eying a cupcake recipe that uses a candy brain as a topper.  Yum!

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