Thursday, October 24, 2013

It's Half the Battle

We finally know a little more about the surgery.

Roberto will have the surgery in about two to three weeks from now.  The thoracic surgeon wants Roberto to have as much recovery time from chemotherapy as possible - about six weeks in total. We don't have an exact date right now because the surgery has not actually been scheduled yet.  Don't worry, it'll be scheduled soon!

The type of surgery will be a thoracotomy (rather than a laparoscopic surgery which is minimally invasive).  Just a warning, the Wikipedia page on thoracotomies has a really gross picture.  There are several types of thoracotomies and I'm not completely sure which type Roberto will undergo.  In general, a thoracotomy is an incision in the chest that allows access to the thoracic organs (think heart and lungs).  The surgeon stated that he'll make an incision on Roberto's side which implies, to me, that the surgery will *not* require Roberto's sternum to be cracked.  However, we don't know all the details about the surgery just yet and I could be completely wrong.

Also, I made the terrible mistake of watching a video of a thoracotomy and now I cannot get the images out of my head.  WHY DID I DO THAT.

Here are a few other details we got today.  Roberto will be in the hospital for 3-5 days after the surgery with the first day being in the ICU. Apparently he will be able to walk out of the hospital when he's well enough to go home.  Also, he will have pain from the incision for about six months afterward. 

We're on our way to curing Roberto!

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