Monday, September 2, 2013

Chemo - Cycle 3 - Day 1 - The Start of a Long Week

Today did not start off well.  In the morning, I could tell that the anticipation of vomiting was weighing on Roberto's mind as he somberly organized his bag of medicine, candy, and other sundries for the infusion week.  He was almost dragging his feet as we went to the car. 

We arrived at the hospital and settled in at the Infusion Center just fine; going to the Infusion Center is becoming so routine now that the valet parking attendants recognize us.  Things seemed to be going along as normal as the nurse cheerily hooked Roberto up to the infusion machine and discussed the changes to Roberto's chemo treatment with him.  Adam graciously got an In and Out lunch for Roberto and me, which we happily scarfed down.  Roberto semi-prognosticated when he said, "I hope I only taste this once."  I left shortly afterwards to run some errands and get some work done at home.

Later, I learned that Roberto *did* throw up at the Infusion Center about 30 minutes after eating, and a second time once at home.  :\  Vomiting this early in the week does not bode well for the rest of the week as he usually does not eat that much food once he has vomited during treatment.  The oncologist is putting Roberto on a new anti-nausea medicine on Wednesday, and we are hoping that will do the trick and prevent any more vomiting during the last half of the week.

Roberto's diet for today consisted of cereal, half a peach, and 8 oz of a homemade smoothie.  That's actually more than what he usually eats when he's not feeling well.   Usually he can only stomach half a yogurt in the morning and a couple of tiny bowls of soup for dinner.  One good thing is that he was awake and mostly alert when he was home and didn't take long naps.  Hopefully that means he'll get a good night's rest.

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