Sunday, September 8, 2013

Arts and Crafts

Today was a nice relaxing day at home.  Roberto and the food he ate finally came to a mutual understanding: he eats the food and the food stays in his tummy.  I won't get into the incident with orange juice in the morning.  There was also a close call in the afternoon but we were able to calm down Roberto's stomach with some well-timed medication and him lying on the floor. 

The venerable Doug stopped by to simply do groceries!  I tried to talk him out of it, but he insisted that he was going to drive to Davis anyway.  It was really nice to see Doug again and it made Roberto happy as well despite him still feeling sick.  Even though groceries were wonderful on their own, Doug also brought lovely miniature roses!  Roberto is already making plans to re-pot them in a larger container. 

Roberto's been antsy since the end of the infusion week.  I think it might be a side effect of one or more of the drugs from the infusion week.  He has trouble sitting still and gets up frequently to walk around which is sort of challenging because our place is small.  Before Roberto's chemotherapy started, my mom bought him a bunch of artsy things to keep him preoccupied.  For some reason, today he rediscovered the bag of goodies and got to work. 

Below is the half-painted plywood tiger.  Rawr!

I haven't seen Roberto sit and focus so intensely except for when he plays Starcraft.  :P  He'll probably be done with the tiger tomorrow.  I kinda hope this doesn't catch on as a hobby; I don't particularly want tons of these around the apartment. Believe me, I've seen it before: polar bears and elephants invading a household with pieces hung on the wall and others hidden all about.  It was terrifying.

Roberto has taken the dangerous path of taking some of his medication on his own without looking up the side-effects.  He was already banned from taking medication on his own, but I guess today he decided that he knew better.  The wonderful anti-nausea medicine that helped him in the afternoon also causes drowsiness.  What better than to use the same drug as a sleep aid!  *rolling eyes smiley*  Well, unbeknownst to Roberto, the drug also causes twitching.  Sooooo much twitching.  He's "dancing" in bed!  :( 


Now that Roberto is on the other side of the infusion week, he is happier that his body is slowly returning to normal.  It's hard on him to stay strong during the week because it's simply torture for him and makes it difficult for him to remember that he'll be back to normal at the end of the week.  After the next two weeks of recovery, there will be one more cycle.  We all have to try to keep him Robostrong!

Cycle 3 - Day 7

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