Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Pepper Nubs

Finally, a return to normal!  Roberto felt great in the morning and said that the magical combination of water and Powerades he drank through the night really did the trick.  :) I think it helped flush out the chemicals from last week.  We'll ignore the fact that he didn't get much sleep last night.  :\

We kept him to modest food portions throughout the day to keep up the treaty we have with this stomach (the "we give you small bits of food and you don't throw it up" treaty).  Roberto was feeling so good that I made him lasagna.  My roommate told me a picture of it was Facebook worthy, but I was so hungry that I just dug into it and forgot to take a picture.  Roberto was good and ate small portions throughout the night.

I can tell when Roberto feels better because he starts fussing over the plants in our "garden."  Here's a picture of the plants:

They look good?  Well, they aren't dead, so that's good.  The dahlia might be thinking about flowering again but I'm not sure.  I've been hoping all summer that the tomato plant would fruit but to no avail.  There are the little pepper nubs!

Don't get too excited, though.  They've been that size for about the last two weeks.  :\  Anyway, on the days that Roberto is feeling better, he rushes out to the patio to water and feed the plants the special food he bought for them.  I'm almost jeal... no, wait.  This is the same path I went down with the cars.  I'm not doing that again.

Before bed, we went out for another walk around the neighborhood.  I think the modest exercise is good for him and it gives us a nice chance to talk about what's on our minds and how our day went.  You know, as if we were chatting online.  Those kinds of talks.  We also had run-ins with a cat and slug!  Okay, wow, that was much more mundane after I typed it out.

All in all, it was a good day.  :)  Roberto can finally enjoy his two weeks of recovery.

Cycle 3 - Day 9

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