Saturday, September 7, 2013

A Green Thumb!

Cycle 3 - Day 6

Roberto is slowly returning to his awesome self.  He didn't sleep the entire day and he tried eating more than yogurt and soup.  I can tell his appetite is coming back because he's made requests for his favorite foods already.  We have to get him eating again because he lost over 10 pounds during the infusion week.  There's still trouble with eating too much food in one sitting.  He couldn't keep down two meals today.  We'll try again tomorrow but with smaller portions and spacing out the meal times.  He's so used to inhaling his food that it's hard for him to restrain himself! 

We went back to the hospital today so Roberto could return the fanny pack of Mesna medication and so he could get his Neulasta shot.  The appointment today was kinda lame because our nurse seemed over-booked.  I think the appointment was supposed to be up to 1.5 hours long but we were there for 2.5 hours.  I agree, it's not the most terrible thing in the world.  However, it makes doctor and hospital appointments that much more unpredictable and harder to schedule around. 

A nice thing today is that Roberto felt well enough to work on the garden again.  He had bought some stakes and plant food and went around to all the plants to give them a trim and some nutrients.  It's great to see him do something other than sleep/be sick/watch tv/play Starcraft.  :P

Here is the bounty of gifts and cards we received this week! 

We got more stuff from Tom: board games Pandemic and Ghost Stories and a three wolf shirt for me!  I've been wanting those games for a long time now.  They are both cooperative board games which is somewhat rare.  I've played Pandemic plenty of times but only heard good things about Ghost Stories.  The wolf shirt just allows me to be as awesome as Roberto.  Also, we all know that cancer is terrified of wolves. 

The lovely Caitlin sent Roberto some lotion and a candle.  I can't wait to light the candle!  The lotion is great because Roberto's skin has been getting dry recently because of the dry, hot weather.  Patti sent us the pretty picture frame.  We'll have to get a great post-cancer picture for it to hold.

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