Sunday, September 22, 2013

Gold Trophy: Beginning of the End

Well, that usually is an ominous statement, but here we are looking forward to the end of chemotherapy!  Roberto actually said, "This is the beginning of the end," to me while we were walking tonight. We were on the walk because I felt that his anxiety started to increase after Adam left today.  It's a bit different this time because I feel there is also a hint of determination. To help, I also suggested that we try to find a geocache while on our walk.  Geocaching is difficult during the day and it's down right impossible at night!  It was still fun, though. 

It seems that I was a little wrong when I said that I was the only one who remembered that Saturday was our old wedding date.  I was so glad when I got messages from people saying that they *did* remember!  Yay!  I guess I just let myself get caught up in feeling bad.

I forgot to mention yesterday that we had a surprise on our doorstep!

Patti sent us another wonderful plant.  The above flora is a lemon tree!

Also, our card wall is pretty respectable now.  Thanks so much for all the support!  :)

Okay, time to get prepared for the last chemo infusion week!  75% complete.  :)

Cycle 3 - Day 21

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