Monday, July 22, 2013

Chemo - Cycle 1 - Day 1 - Prologue

Chemotherapy takes forever!  It didn't help that there were first day snafus.  Time was spent waiting for the proper drugs and a pump from the pharmacy.  Also, I didn't realize that each drug requires one hour to be administered.  I guess I didn't think through the logistics; only so much liquid can be pushed into a vein at a time.  With three chemo drugs and five supportive drugs and hydration before and after, Roberto was at the hospital from 8am - 5:15pm.

Roberto is enjoying the little things.  He has an automated lay-z-boy-like chair that is controlled with a remote.  It also has a seat warming button with multiple levels of heat! As a patient, Roberto gets free food for lunch (although, the food leaves much to be desired) which includes a slice of cake to Roberto's delight! I do go out to Nugget to get Roberto a real sandwich.  Here are a few pictures from today.

This chemotherapy treatment is Roberto approved!

 Getting the drugs.

Chemotherapy specific drugs get their own scary, brown bag (they are light sensitive).

Watching the nurse ... ?  Neil took this picture, by the way.  :-P

 Totally in charge now ... and kinda sleeping.

Now we're at home hanging out with Adam and Eli.  I get to watch the Top Gear Bolivia special for the second time in two days.  Yay!  Hopefully, tomorrow will go smoother and we won't have to be at the hospital for as long as today.  Also, hopefully Roberto continues to feel (relatively) good.  :)

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